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Lake Pro Reports
(By Top Guides)

Lake Elephant Butte

& Guide Service

Leisuretime Fishing Club

Cast Net Lesson

Our Club Co- Founder, Fishing Partner, and WebMaster Jim
at Ski Apache
Ski Area


"Buddy's 50 Pound Club"
Here are the fortunate anglers that booked a trip with Buddy and hooked up with a 50# or bigger Trophy Striper!!

Here is Jim Secor with the NM state record striper at a weight of 54.5 pounds.

Here is Jason Wedel age 14 with the 51.65 held by father Scott. It is now official this is the new Jr World Record Striped Bass, Way to go Jason.

Here is a familiar face. This is Barry Stokes with the 50.2 he caught while doing a show for "Outdoor Trails" with Buddy. This fish came on a top water bite. Can you imagine the crash on top.

This is Buddy Fair of Carlsbad NM with the 50 he caught with Buddy.

elepfp49.gif (37427 bytes) Our latest entry into the club is Randy Lack of Hatch NM. We made this fish an honorary member because it was so close to 50 with a weight of 49 pounds. The big fish was caught Spring of 1999.

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